.............playing with my new tripod..
the wiggly weird grey and black thing sticking out of my camera is the Gorillapod..a birthday pressie from Nick (very good choice, dear !). This little tripod fixes to anything and is truly brilliant - a lot of fun and very, very useful.
And...............making this little pencil roll from instructions in The Creative Family. Just the sort of nice project for Saturday night crafting, it's destined for my little nephew for his 5th birthday. I really enjoyed making it and it's proved popular with the girls, who are now queueing up for one!
It's been a while since I made anything and it felt good to flex the old creative muscles again. Hopefully I can keep the ball rolling.
Also...underwear shopping.....and there is no way on Gods earth you're getting a picture of me modelling it !
Lets just say that 3 years after giving birth it was truly time to ditch the outsize maternity pants (soooo comfy but so deeply unattractive and bad for morale) and feeding bras. I'm going to keep the comfy pants around for a little longer for those slob out moments though, 'just in case' I feel the need to revert to my old ways (highly likely).
New stuff ....think pale yellow with polkadots....:)
I'm so glad I'm not the only one with the knickers, mines only been a year though!
lisa x
Posted by: periwinkle | June 26, 2008 at 21:45
Hello Asti. I love that pencil roll. I have seen them a couple of times here and there but haven't attempted making one as yet. You make it sound worth a go. Thanks for the comments on my blog xx
Posted by: Pipany | June 24, 2008 at 18:24
great photos! the pencil case is too cute! and new undies would be awesome!
Posted by: amy | June 24, 2008 at 13:44
what a hilarious post! thanks for making me laugh--as in, i totally am with you on the undies thing. i'm needing to freshen my collection too!
great photos, esp. the top one.
Posted by: kristi | June 23, 2008 at 20:07
Very cute pencil roll, I have that book too (who doesn't?) and it is on my list of things to do! I've been thinking about getting a mini tripod too, so have taken note of your recommendation!
Posted by: Rachel L | June 23, 2008 at 12:32
oooh, what a nice post
lovely hair
lovely tripod
lovely pencil roll - I REALLY want to make some of these ...what is stopping me I do not know
lovely to hear of your delightful sounding knickers (funnily enough I also was thinking polkadot undies this weekend - will blog it later unless I get waylaid)
all just lovely
enjoy the undies and don't worry about reverting to the slob pants, we all have slob pants days (well, I'll admit to them anyway)
Posted by: annieb | June 23, 2008 at 11:56